Wednesday 26 December 2012

Colombiana image

 He then also gives Cataleya a microchip and tells her it is her passport along with the address of her uncle Emilio (Cliff Curtis) in Chicago, who will take care of her once she gets to the United States. Fabio and Alicia have Cataleya sit at Colombiana the kitchen table and tell her not to move no matter what, and leave to try and fight off Marco and his men but they are gunned down while their daughter listens in the other room. Marco then comes into the room and asks Cataleya if her father gave her anything small (referring to the microchip) she replies yes and when Marco asks what it is she wants in exchange for the chip she stabs Marco in the hand with a kitchen knife, saying she wants to kill Don Luis. Cataleya then runs off and is chased after by many of Marco's men but she eventually manages to make it safely to the U.S. Embassy. Once there she uses the business card her father gave her to gain admittance, and in return for the information about Don Luis' organization on the microchip, they allow her entry into the United States.
She takes the first flight to Miami, escapes the diplomatic personnel, and takes a bus to her uncle, Emilio, in Chicago. At first, she wanted to become a fashion designer or an artist, but since her parents were killed, she wants to become an assassin so she could get her revenge on Don Luis. The next day, Emilio says he will help her but is apprehensive, so he makes her a deal. If she goes to school, he will teach her how to be an assassin.           watch more

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